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标题: 过早死=不睡觉+可乐+洗发水+高路洁 [打印本页]

作者: 古啦琦琪    时间: 11-8-2011 23:18
标题: 过早死=不睡觉+可乐+洗发水+高路洁



医生建议:晚上 10: 00前最好上床休息 ,中午尽可能睡半小时到一小时的午觉(午睡一小时抵过晚上睡三小时 ), 年轻人一天至少要睡足八小时!那些经常半夜不睡觉的人!!收到没!收到没!!收到就早点睡啦!还看!为了大家健康 ,请转寄给你的朋友 ~谢谢!
晚上9-11 点为免疫系统(淋巴)排毒时间,此段时间应安静或听音乐

晚间 11-凌晨 1点,肝的排毒,需在熟睡中进行。

凌晨1-3 点,胆的排毒,亦同。

凌晨 3-5点,肺的排毒。此即为何咳嗽的人在这段时间咳得最剧烈,

因排毒动作已走到肺;不应用止咳药,以免抑制 废积物的排除。

凌晨 5-7点,大肠的排毒,应上厕所排便。

凌晨7-9 点,小肠大量吸收营养的时段,应吃早餐。


不吃早餐者应改变习惯,即使拖到9、10 点吃都比不吃好。


你不能决定生命的长度,但你可以控制它的宽度;你不能控制他人, 但你可以掌控自己你不能预知明天, 但你可以利用今天;你不能样样胜利, 但你可以事事尽力。

看一下,對你或許真的有幫助喲!!! 看來,生活中真的要非常留意。 以後我再也不喝可樂了。

      我认识一位因肾衰竭而过逝的年轻母亲,她曾在伯特米那医院住过一个月,而且每天只能喝一杯水,医生为她进行了药物治疗,但似乎是太迟了。根据她所说,她以前每天午餐都喝「非酒精性的饮料」或 称做「软性饮料」(译注:就是那种有很多种美美的各种颜色,各种口味,甜甜的,多半有气泡的,冰的饮料,像是可口可乐、百事可乐,汽水、沙士,甚至标榜有什麽奥利多活菌,bifidus有益菌等等)。虽然只是每天一杯,但足以摧毁这个维持生命所必须的器官,她终於在去年十月去世,留下一个一岁大的儿子!

请继续往下读!危险的非酒精性饮料! !





可口可乐 &百事可乐提供参考:

软性饮料的酸碱平均值,像可口可乐、百事可乐,是 3.4。这种酸度酸到可以溶解牙齿和骨头。而人体到了30岁左右(就是咱们这个年纪)就停止制造骨质。之後,骨头透过排尿,每年会有8-18%会溶出体外,而这主要取决于所摄取食物 的酸度。(注意:酸度并不是指食物的味道,而是指钾、钙、镁对比的比例。)所有被溶的钙成份都会在血管的动脉、静脉、皮肤,组织和器官累积。这会影响肾功能(如肾结石)。就维他命和矿物质而言,并且,软性饮料毫无营养价值。


二个月前,在达利大学有场比赛:「看谁能喝最多的可口可乐 ?」获胜者喝了八瓶,并当场死亡,因为血管中含了太多的二氧化碳,而没有足够的氧。从那次以後,校长就禁任何的软性饮料在大学的福利社贩卖。有人将掉下来的牙齿放在百事可乐中十天,它溶解了。而牙齿和骨头是人体中唯一死亡後,仍可保存无缺的器官。



现在更换洗发水还为时未晚,请检查洗发水瓶子上的成份说明,看看是否有一种被称为 SodiumLaurethSulfate (钠 Laureth酸盐,或简称 SLS)的物质。这种物质在大多数洗发水中都可以找到,而生产厂商用它是因为它可以产生很多泡沫并且它很便宜。但是,事实上 SLS是用来清洗车库地板的,并且它的清洁能力十分强大!!!而且有证据表明如果长期使用它会导致癌症,这决非玩笑。

有一天我回到家并检查了我的洗发水(维达沙宣);发现它并不含有该物质;但是其它品牌如 Vo5、 Palmolive、 PaulMitchell以及 BodyShop出品的新型Hemp Shampoo等都含有该物质。克莱柔 Clairo)草本精华( HerbalEssences)标注的成份中的第一条(这意味着它是唯一的主要成份)就是 SodiumLaurethSulfate

因此我打电话给它的一家公司,告诉他们其产品包含有一种会使用户得癌症的物质。他们说:是的,我们知道这件事,但是我们什么也做不了,因为我们需要它来产生泡沫。另外,高露洁( Colgate)牙膏中也含有该物质,它也被用来产生泡沫。他们还说他们会送给我一些信息。

研究表明,在上世纪80年代,癌症发病概率仅为8000 分之一,而如今每3个人中就有1个可能患这种疾病。哪个更严重呢?因此我希望认真考虑这个问题,并将这封邮件转寄给你的友人,希望这样能防止更多的人患上癌症。

作者: fall0406    时间: 11-8-2011 23:18
作者: lulusalulusa    时间: 11-8-2011 23:24
作者: Per    时间: 12-8-2011 01:00
作者: 308355788    时间: 12-8-2011 10:01
作者: 古啦琦琪    时间: 12-8-2011 11:05
回复 Per 的帖子

作者: Dante870520    时间: 12-8-2011 14:34
作者: Matthew_Sun    时间: 12-8-2011 16:27
作者: Matthew_Sun    时间: 12-8-2011 16:32
作者: 小鲤鱼泡泡    时间: 12-8-2011 17:35
作者: lyn1985    时间: 14-8-2011 21:40
作者: HELLOROSE    时间: 25-8-2011 21:58
作者: a1202255    时间: 26-8-2011 00:54
出国喝了1年软饮料  牙齿已经被蛀烂一个了
作者: pei    时间: 26-8-2011 09:23
作者: 专打奥特曼    时间: 26-8-2011 23:52
作者: johnz    时间: 28-8-2011 00:06
可乐跟牙膏的故事还是头一次听说 学习了
作者: QiuYueYuan523    时间: 28-8-2011 06:59
作者: yahoohk01    时间: 28-8-2011 09:54
这个一早知道了,耐何人生就是不可能早睡= =
作者: baseunderattact    时间: 28-8-2011 10:03
作者: dinghanhan2002    时间: 28-8-2011 10:14
2008-06-15 11:26


现在更换洗发水还为时未晚,请检查洗发水瓶子上的成份说明,看看是否有一种被称为 SodiumLaurethSulfate (钠 Laureth酸盐,或简称 SLS)的物质。这种物质在大多数洗发水中都可以找到,而生产厂商用它是因为它可以产生很多泡沫并且它很便宜。但是,事实上 SLS是用来清洗车库地板的,并且它的清洁能力十分强大!!!而且有证据表明如果长期使用它会导致癌症,这决非玩笑。

有一天我回到家并检查了我的洗发水(维达沙宣);发现它并不含有该物质;但是其它品牌如 Vo5、 Palmolive、 PaulMitchell以及 BodyShop出品的新型Hemp Shampoo等都含有该物质。克莱柔 Clairo)草本精华( HerbalEssences)标注的成份中的第一条(这意味着它是唯一的主要成份)就是 SodiumLaurethSulfate

因此我打电话给它的一家公司,告诉他们其产品包含有一种会使用户得癌症的物质。他们说:是的,我们知道这件事,但是我们什么也做不了,因为我们需要它来产生泡沫。另外,高露洁( Colgate)牙膏中也含有该物质,它也被用来产生泡沫。他们还说他们会送给我一些信息。

研究表明,在上世纪80年代,癌症发病概率仅为8000 分之一,而如今每3个人中就有1个可能患这种疾病。哪个更严重呢?因此我希望认真考虑这个问题,并将这封邮件转寄给你的友人,希望这样能防止更多的人患上癌症。

看完之后我并没有立刻相信它,抱着怀疑的态度我搜索了下这个SodiumLaurethSulfate, 结果发现这居然是10年前就在美国流传的一个骗人的邮件,现在居然有人翻译成中文来吓唬人,太可笑了.看看这个吧 What Is Sodium Laureth Sulfate...  

And why are people saying those awful things about it?


Dateline: 09/09/98
(Latest update: 04/08/01)

By David Emery

A dire health warning circulating by email since 1998 claims that sodium laureth sulfate, a synthetic chemical found in brand-name shampoos and other personal care products, causes cancer.

As is typical of such warnings, the message is unsigned and cites no references to support its claims.

As also commonly happens with chain letters, this one has picked up false "signatures" after the fact. Such is usually the result of someone with an authoritative-sounding title forwarding the message with their .sig file attached, which is left intact by later forwarders and eventually becomes a permanent part of the text.

As near as I can determine, the name "Michelle Hailey" first began appearing on a version of this message in September 1998, approximately two months after the original (unsigned) version was first sighted. The "signed" version quickly surpassed the original in popularity, but Hailey denied authoring the email in an Oct. 20, 1998 article in the Daily Tennessean.

"This is not a chain letter," the message declares, but in fact it is one. As you shall see, its purpose is not to inform, but to frighten:

Importance: High

Check the ingredients listed on your shampoo bottle, and see if they have this substance by the name of Sodium Laureth Sulfate or simply SLS.

This substance is found in most shampoo, the manufactures use it because it produces a lot of foam and it is cheap. BUT the fact is that SLS is used to scrub garage floors, and it is very strong.

It is also proven that it can cause cancer in the long run, and this is no joke. Well, I went home and check my shampoo (Vidal Sasoon), it hasn't got it, but others such as Vo5, Palmolive etc..they've got this substance, so I've called up to one of the company (u must think I had nothing better to do, no, I am just concerned about our health) well, I told them their product contains a substance that will cause people to have cancer, and u know what they said, they said "Yeah.we knew about it but there is nothing we can do about it coz we need that substance to produce foam, oh, by the way the Colgate toothpaste also contains the same substance to produce the bubbles". Oh my God, I've been using the Colgate since when I was born, what the world is that, are we going to die very soon. They said they are going to send me some info.

Research have shown that in the 1980s, the chance of getting cancer is 1 out of 8000 and now in the 1990s, the chances of getting cancer is 1 out of 3 which is very serious. So I hope that you will take this seriousness and pass on this to all the people you know, and hopefully, we can stop "giving" ourselves the cancer virus.

This is serious, after you have read this, pass it on to as many people as possible, this is not a chain letter, but it concerns our health.

Urban Legends and Folklore What Is Sodium Laureth Sulfate...  

Part 2: Questions and Answers


Here I will debunk some of the more dubious claims in the forwarded email. Please note that this is not a general article about the pros and cons of shampoo ingredients, or even of this particular ingredient. I will address specific allegations in the email text, the main one being that sodium laureth sulfate is carcinogenic. Sources and links for further reading are at the bottom of this page and in the sidebar to the right.

Q: Is sodium laureth sulfate commonly found in shampoos and toothpastes?
A: Shampoos, frequently; toothpastes, occasionally. (It's much more common to find the harsher surfactant sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpastes.)
Q: Is sodium laureth sulfate known to cause cancer?
A: No. The chemical does not appear on any official list of known or suspected carcinogens.
Q: Is sodium laureth sulfate properly abbreviated as "SLS?"
A: No. The correct abbreviation is "SLES." The chain letter confuses this compound with another: sodium lauryl sulfate, which is abbreviated "SLS." The two substances are related, but not the same.
Q: Is sodium laureth sulfate used to scrub garage floors?
A: No.
Q: What about the other one – sodium lauryl sulfate – is it used to scrub garage floors?
A: No doubt! SLS is a powerful surfactant (wetting agent) and detergent. It is used in both industrial cleaning products and, in lesser concentrations, personal care products.
Q: Is sodium lauryl sulfate commonly found in shampoos and toothpastes?
A: Yes, both. It's also found in shaving creams and other lathering products.
Q: Ah. Well, then, is SLS a known carcinogen?
A: No, it is not on any official list of known or suspected carcinogens. But it is a harsher chemical than SLES, which is why SLES is typically used in baby shampoos instead. Sodium lauryl sulfate is well known to be a skin and eye irritant and can cause dermatitis with prolonged contact in high concentrations. Results of some tests on animal tissues indicate that it's mutagenic — i.e., it may be related to abnormal cell mutations — though the evidence is inconclusive. Even so, scientists familiar with the substance insist it is not dangerous in the concentrations found in personal care products.
Q: Would a manufacturer freely admit to consumers, as claimed in the message, that it knowingly uses a carcinogen in its products "because we need that substance to produce foam?"
A: Of course not.
Q: Is it true that my chances of getting cancer are "1 out of 3" in the '90s?
A: Yes, with a few qualifications. The problem with stating probabilities in this case is that there's no way to generalize accurately. The reasons are: 1) cancer risks for individuals vary according to a host of factors, including gender, race, habits, and family history; and 2) the likelihood of any individual contracting cancer is also a function of their age. For example, if you're 20 years old, the odds are much greater that you'll contract cancer in your lifetime than they are if you're 50, simply because there's a longer time span involved.
That said, the longer answer is: For an "average person" (that is, someone of no particular age or gender who lives nowhere in particular and inherited no genes from his or her parents), the chances of getting cancer over a lifetime work out to somewhere between 1 in 3 and 1 in 2, at present.

Q: Were the chances of getting cancer in the 1980s "1 out of 8,000?"
A: No, that's absurd. Cancer rates were approximately the same two decades ago as they are now; if anything, they were a bit higher.
Q: Really? Aren't cancer rates rising?
A: No, in the United States they have been falling, though at a fractional rate and there's no telling if that trend will continue.
Q: Is cancer a "virus," as alleged in the email?
A: No.
Q: Is the chain letter a hoax?
A: Most likely. At the very least, it contains egregiously inaccurate information. But we can only guess at the motives of whoever launched it.
Q: Where did the misinformation come from?
A: Well, if you're asking who started the chain letter, there's no way of knowing. As to the misinformation itself, it turns out that there are a good many Web pages containing very similar — and in some cases identical — statements. It's a good bet that it all came from the same source at some point in time.
Interestingly, all these Websites are maintained by "independent distributors" for multi-level marketing companies hawking "natural" personal care products, etc. As a matter of fact, the majority of URLs returned in a standard Web search on the keywords "sodium laureth sulfate" point to versions of the same propaganda. Assuming all this information did come from the same source, the author of our chain letter and some of these Web entrepreneurs are sloppy copyists at the very least, and/or intent on slanting the "facts" to suit their purposes.

In the chain letter, for example, the cancer rate in the 1980s is alleged to be "1 out of 8,000"; the Web pages tend to say that was the cancer rate in 1901. That sounds more reasonable, but it's no cause to assume the Websites are entirely accurate. On some of them, the ratio cited for 1901 is not "1 out of 8,000," but "1 out of 80." Again, some of these authors are either making it up as they go along, or copying the information very carelessly.

Misinformation has a way of multiplying.

Many of the pages I looked at were littered with inaccuracies, deceptive statements and outright lies. One even alleges that "In 1993 it was documented that sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) were the leading cause of blindness in children" — as if claiming they're carcinogens weren't inaccurate enough. Another page links prominently to a site vending quack cancer cures. In some cases, the texts cite legitimate medical studies, but in a misleading way, making it appear as if the studies prove much more than they actually did.

Small wonder that by the time this information made its way into chain letter form, virtually every statement in it was outrageously false.

What's worse, as the chain letter circulates, the information continues to degrade. One of the more recent variants of the email gives the abbreviation of sodium laureth sulfate as "SLY," which is doubly wrong.

Q: Do you think the chain letter may have been deliberately started to frighten people into using other products?
A: I suspect it, but there's no way to know for sure, and I can't prove it. For all we know, someone came across this stuff by accident, innocently believed it to be true, and decided to share it with others.
Q: Do you really think that was the case?
A: I doubt it.
Postscript: The old adage, "Where there's smoke, there's fire," may apply here. While the "facts" stated in the sodium laureth sulfate warning are almost entirely false, there may be other potentially hazardous substances in name-brand personal care products. For more information, see the following:
Personal Care and Cosmetic Products May Be Carcinogenic
Synopsized as one of the "Top 25 under-reported news stories of 1997"
Report on carcinogens
From the National Toxicological Program
FDA guidelines for inspection of cosmetic products
"Non-binding" reference material for investigators

Sources and further reading:

8th Annual Report on Carcinogens (1998). National Toxicology Program. URL:
(1 Sep. 1998).
"Study: U.S. Cancer Rates Declining." CNN News, 13 Mar. 1998. URL:
(7 Sep. 1998).
Clayton, R.M., et al. (1985). "The Penetration of Detergents into Adult and Infant Eyes." Food and Chemical Toxicology 23.2 (Feb. 1985): 239-246.
Friedlander, Ed. "Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - Not a Cancer Risk." The Pathology Guy. URL: (8 April 2001).
Hope, J. "Absence of Chromosome Damage in the bone marrow of rats fed detergent actives for 90 days." Mutation Research 56.1 (Sep. 1977): 47-50.
Material Safety Data Sheet for Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate). URL: (1 Sep. 1998).
"New Report on Declining Cancer Incidence and Death Rates..." National Cancer Institute Press Release, 12 Mar. 1998. URL:
(7 Sep. 1998).
"Sodium Lauryl Sulfate." American Cancer Society. URL: (8 April 2001).
UMCP Partial List of Teratogens (1995). University of Maryland. URL: (4 Sep. 1998).
Winter, Ruth. A Consumer's Dictionary of Household, Yard and Office Chemicals. New York: Crown, 1992.

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