没有record是最好的,我有朋友就是因为酒驾没被apple录用作者: guopen2000 时间: 27-2-2011 09:42
Hi buddy:
1. annoyed and confused these days----in a bad mood
2. drink black labor---drowning your troubles
3. caught by police---yunshi is not so fluently
4. afraid of bad record---depression
5. charged a lot---suffer unexpected personal financial losses as to avoid calamity
firstly I want to console you, cheer up
secondly I want to blame you not to do this again
thirdly your friend should be looked down upon作者: gratefulcai 时间: 27-2-2011 10:57
喝半瓶啤酒就算了,2人喝半瓶black label,还开车上路?不仅不把别人的生命当回事,也拿自己的命开玩笑。
建议去TAFESA上堂课,关于Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol。作者: Ryan.Sun 时间: 27-2-2011 11:22 回复 14#gratefulcai