标题: 求救啊~~~邻居太吵去哪投诉???? [打印本页] 作者: 动感超人 时间: 7-9-2010 20:09 标题: 求救啊~~~邻居太吵去哪投诉???? 自己几个月前take了一个unit,上下楼的那种,没住多长时间发现邻居实在太吵了,关门声音超响,经常凌晨两点多的时候还有小孩子在家里乱跑,震的地板咚咚响,严重影响了我们的休息。观察了一下周围住得好像是些印度人,由于不知道到底是楼下还是隔壁也不知道应该找谁家,有谁知到这种情况应该怎么办啊????找我们中介投诉有用吗????他们管这个吗????谁知道帮忙出个主意,多谢啦作者: 老A 时间: 7-9-2010 20:44
报警 找中介 和邻居理论 实在都不行 那只能感动超人来帮你了作者: happy_joe 时间: 7-9-2010 20:52 Q : My neighbours are playing loud music, when is the cut off time for making noise?
A : There is no cut off time where music is concerned, if it is that loud, and causing you a problem you have the right to complain at any time of the day whether it be lunch time, early evening or late at night.
In regards to domestic noise, lawn mowers, chain saws, revving motors etc allowable times for use is 7.00 AM to 7.00PM Monday to Saturday and 9.00AM to 7.00PM on Sunday.
Any other kind of noise (e.g. industrial noise etc.) is an EPA issue, patrols may be able to attend and make an assessment depending on the night and availability.