标题: City Chinatown餐馆诚意招服务生数名,全职 [打印本页] 作者: adeseven 时间: 10-3-2024 15:52 标题: City Chinatown餐馆诚意招服务生数名,全职 City Chinatown餐馆诚意招服务生数名,全职兼职都可,基本英文表达流畅,必须是女生;另招厨房洗碗帮工,全职优先;,会做中式面点或者有基础的女师傅,主要擅长擀饺子皮,包上海小笼包及生煎包的,做事勤快有效率,年龄50多岁的;对应聘者要求有责任心,有工作经验,手脚麻利,允许工作的签证,一旦录用尽量长期。有意者可加微信: yuebing818 或者发邮件:juanliu [email protected]
City Chinatown restaurant sincerely recruit several waiters, both full-time and part-time, basic English fluent, must be female; Additional kitchen dishwasher, full-time preferred; Can do Chinese pastry or basic female master, mainly good at rolling dumpling wrapper, dumplings and dumplings, diligent and efficient, age more than 50 years old; Candidates are required to have a sense of responsibility, work experience, dexterity, allow work visas, once hired as long as possible. Interested, you can add to wechat: yuebing818 or email :juanliu [email protected]