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标题: 【安和律师事务所】面对雇佣纠纷?欢迎联络我们 [打印本页]

作者: HOLawyers    时间: 18-1-2024 15:52
标题: 【安和律师事务所】面对雇佣纠纷?欢迎联络我们

在南澳,《公平工作法》FairWork Act 2009 (Cth)FairWork Act 1994 (SA) 是在于雇主和雇员之间发生纠纷时的两项主要法则。可能涉及此类纠纷的一些常见机构是SafeWork SA, Fair Work Ombudsman (公平工作监察员),Fair Work Commission (公平工作委员会) South Australian Employment Tribunal(南澳大利亚就业法庭)

由于联邦政府的“关闭漏洞”法律称为 Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Act 2023(Cth) (2023 年公平工作立法修正案(关闭漏洞)法案”),《公平工作法》中的规定最近进行了更新。该法案于 2023 12 14 日获得御准。


Closing Loopholes Act - what's changing | Fair Work Commission

在H&OLawyers(安和律师所),我们可以协助您对应雇佣相关的纠纷。雇佣法方面需要帮助,请通过[email protected] 联系我们或致电 (08) 84109069。

Employment Disputes
Employment disputes may arise during employment between employers and employees. Some of the common disputes include but are not limited to unfair dismissal, underpayment of wages, workplace discrimination or bullying, sexual harassment, workers compensation, flexible work arrangements and work health and safety issues.  

Employment Laws and Bodies
In South Australia, The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and Fair Work Act 1994(SA) are two primary legislations that provide the legal guidance for disputesbetween employers and employees. Some of the common bodies that may be involvedin such disputes are SafeWork SA, Fair Work Ombudsman, Fair Work Commission andthe South Australian Employment Tribunal.

Closing Loopholes Legislation
The regulations in the Fair Work Act have been recently updated due to the Federal government’s Closing Loopholes laws called Fair Work Legislation Amendment (ClosingLoopholes) Act 2023 (Cth). This Act received Royal Assent on 14 December 2023.

The key dates and these amendments are applicable according to the Fair Work Commission’s website.

Closing Loopholes Act - what's changing | Fair Work Commission

At H&O Lawyers, we can assist you with matters in relation to Employment disputes. For enquiries in relation to Employment disputes, please contact uson (08) 8410 9069 or email us at [email protected].

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