) y/ o) L9 U7 h8 ? m* v 驻澳大利亚使馆领事部 ; ^1 g5 u- C9 m4 u4 s 二零一零年八月九日作者: liangqiaoqiao 时间: 11-8-2010 14:42
我刚换的,一共90, 怎么最后刷了我9块啊啊。作者: luluvanilla 时间: 7-10-2010 10:09
二楼的费用怎么和版主写的不一样啊?新价格是不是比以前的便宜了?作者: cayforever 时间: 10-7-2011 23:03
委托证明 要多少钱?作者: sunnychen1987 时间: 30-7-2011 23:52
一般多长时间扣钱!我寄了已经两个星期,没消息了!作者: mayhotmail 时间: 16-8-2011 10:19
我是7月16号见面办公补办的护照,怎么现在还不扣钱,也没有看到护照,什么回事?哪位有相同的经历吗?我打电话到大使馆没有人接啊。急。。。。。。。。。。作者: daphnnewenlian 时间: 16-8-2011 14:28 回复 mayhotmail 的帖子 w8 S" P! V6 I6 X " K5 @$ {5 N+ n8 A4 b$ k8 y at 15th July 2011 I met those officers from Cabrera Chinese Embassy, got my forms signed by them and post the old passport with photos and forms to Chinese Embassy (Cabrera) . However, after 4 weeks still not received my new passport and no payment been deduct from my credit card. I have booked my flight to go overseas at the end of August, so worried right now. & Q S" {( v; ^* `1 p6 |I have try to ring Chinese Embassy on 02 6273 4783 for so many times, it makes me so angry that there is no service at all!!! but i got through this number just now, the lady told me that all renew passport from south australia will be post out within 1 week. god bless chinese people!作者: daphnnewenlian 时间: 18-8-2011 09:02 本帖最后由 daphnnewenlian 于 2011-8-18 09:02 编辑 + b3 T4 c/ D! @( J% D/ B3 j
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they deduct $86 from my credit card, 因私护照颁发或换发 75澳元, {:6_262:}作者: 谢尚户 时间: 18-2-2012 14:47
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: 流水无情 时间: 21-2-2012 23:32
下次来这办公是大概什么时间呀?作者: 王儿交 时间: 5-4-2012 22:43
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