日常维护是无法控制地基变形的,最好的解决办法就是在设计基础时,考虑充分。 5年的房子,应该是整板混凝土加地梁(我说了不算,以实际峻工图为准)。这样的基础整体性好,房屋不容易变形。但具体会是个什么效果,我想设计,施工这个房子基础的人最清楚。作者: yuxiangdogp 时间: 10-8-2010 12:59
Only five years old, more than likely it has been properly designed. There is definitely documentation for a five year old house. You can pay $50 to get a copy or free to just have a look at your council development department.
yeah, nothing can control soil moment. but 整板混凝土加地梁 (raft slab + beams) will minimise the movement and heave. Since it's only 5 years old, it must been designed by a profession engineering company, no doublt they will take soil and any consideration into account. You should gain confident from that. If it's 30 years old, back that time, engineering design is not popular.
One thing you can do is never grow big tree on your land near your house.作者: gsgsgs 时间: 10-8-2010 13:31
要是6年前的房子呢?2004年的作者: yuxiangdogp 时间: 10-8-2010 21:11
AS2870第一版是1986年. RAFTER SLAB基本是1980S后被普遍采用的.我觉得1986就是一个工程师开始设计地基的一个分水岭.
当然具体那年开始的我也说不准,但2004年没有一个BUILDER敢自己设计地基的,没有一个COUNCIL会批准没有工程师设计的房子这是肯定的.作者: AMBBroker 时间: 10-8-2010 22:02
顶专业的人士,又学到东西了。作者: gsgsgs 时间: 12-8-2010 11:54
谢谢啊,最近在关注一个hillcrest2004年的房子呢,也和中介说这问题了,中介说五年内没出问题就没问题了,也不知道准不准呢作者: 御风 时间: 15-8-2010 17:53