- 他们在开始TC之前让我say yes to the TC时候说的是:
“Footing contractors have advised that traffic control will be required due to the proximity to the Klemzig interchange, the street is busy and difficult to access with heavy machinery.
We will require this for a minimum of four days for siteworks.
There will be parking control and traffic direction, plus potentially closure of the street for short periods of time.
The additional cost will be a PC sum of $3,500 which I will raise in a variation shortly. You will receive this via docusign. ”
-从上周开始他们切割土、埋管道,到今天灌水泥,我都去看了,数着他们用traffic control (太麻烦了下文就都用TC吧),上周用了3天,加上今天的一天,总共是4天;
-之前就觉得这个TC 没有在一开始就加到quotation,时至今日贷款额都改不了了,告诉我又要几千到可能以后要上万的TC费用,我就很生气了,complain了很多,最后接受了“您就是不幸的千分之十的客户 who need the TC/ 这个不是普遍需要的费用所以一开始我们没加进来”, 然后说会给账单明细。到今天customer services officer打电话告诉我,要三千五预估要涨到五千五,还给不了detail的账单,我就非常生气了:为什么告知不了其中明细?作为一个大建筑商,你们不也要评估自己的contractor给的账单是否合理么?