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标题: Flinders 那位同学,我们是另一组当事的 Petitioner,不要怕,请进来! [打印本页]

作者: dnw123    时间: 8-2-2021 08:45
标题: Flinders 那位同学,我们是另一组当事的 Petitioner,不要怕,请进来!
欢迎网友把本帖转载各澳华论坛,尽快让Flinders 那位同学看到,谢谢!

Council 里面是有正义的声音的,请见今天早上所发邮件:

To: Phillip Martin <[email protected]>; Anne Moran <[email protected]>
Cc: Robert Simms <[email protected]>; Arman Abrahimzadeh OAM <[email protected]>; Franz Peter Knoll <[email protected]>; Mary Couros <[email protected]>; Zhuopeng (Simon) Hou <[email protected]>; Jessy Khera <[email protected]>; Greg Mackie <[email protected]>; Helen Donovan <[email protected]>; Alexander Hyde <[email protected]>; Lord Mayor <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: A petition to dismiss Simon Hou as councillor of Central Ward

Dear Councillor Moran:

Thank you for your kind support. Yes, it is shocking, but the even more shocking development is yet to come over the weekend. It has been reported by the media that Mr Hou's lawyer has sent a letter to the other petitioner (reportedly a Flinders Uni international student), demanding $ 50,000 for defamation

We find it necessary to express our honest opinions on the matter:

1. In the letter which was originally shown in the link above (now locked), Mr Hou's lawyer has quoted our petition in allegations against the other petitioner. We have no connection whatsoever with the poor student. It is unfair, and simply wrong, to make allegations on the other petitioner by mixing the two separate petitions together.

2. In the last email in response to Councillor Martin's request for a translation of Mr Hou's statement, we have referred to the other petition because it was handily ready on line. We have taken every reasonable steps for proof reading the translation in the other petition, and we believe on reasonable grounds that it is a fair translation.

3. Having said that, due to the immense difference between the Chinese and English language, no translation can claim to be 100% accurate. In fact, there are a lot of subtle meanings underneath the words and between the lines of Mr Hou's statement which can only be apprehended by native Chinese speakers and can hardly be translated into English directly. It is exactly for this reason why Mr Hou's statement had sparked wide spread criticism among the Chinese Australian community, not only in Adelaide but across the country. There have been thousands of comments on Mr Hou's statement, including but not limited to this famous one by 澳洲吐槽君 阿德莱德某议员神操作回顾  

4. It is completely unAustralian for an elected member to respond to a petition by an individual member of the public with a defamation lawsuit, let alone on a vulnerable international student. To the best of my knowledge, it never happened with any elected members at any tiers of governments in Australia.

5. A member of a local government is defined as a public officer under Schedule 1 of the ICAC Act 2012 (SA). The character and conduct of a public officer is to be put under the test of a high standard of integrity.

6. A petition by a member of the public to the governing organisation in regards to the conduct of a public officer is the exercise of an implied constitutional freedom of communication with respect to political disclosure or matters. (see Nationwide News Pty Led v Wills, and also Australian Capital Television Pty Ltd v Commonwealth of Australia)

7. "Political discussion" includes discussion of the conduct, policies or fitness for office of government, political parties, public bodies, public officers and those seeking public office. The freedom of communication about the government of the Commonwealth extends to all political matters, including matters relating to other levels of government. This is a constitutional defence for defamatory matters upheld by the HCA (see Theophanous v Herald & Weekly Times Ltd, and also Stephens v West Australian Newspapers Ltd )

8. Further to the above, Defamation Act 2005 (SA) also provides a number of other defences in Part 4 Division 2 which can be applied to this matter.

9. There is no chance of winning on Mr Hou's side. However, we acknowledge his right to put this matter before the court. If he chooses to do so, we will stand in solidarity with the other petitioner. We will go fund for the poor young kid to fight the legal battle in the Magistrate Court, District Court, Supreme Court and/or all the way up to the High Court if need be.

We truly believe that the Adelaide city council, as the recipient of the petition, has a moral duty to do something to help the poor international student who has been under great stress after receiving the letter. Further to that, the council also has a legal duty to clarify its stance on the matter, otherwise this threatened action for defamation will set a dangerous precedence with an appalling chilling effect on all future petitioners or whistle blowers.

Defamation lawsuit is not a tool for those with superior financial position to shut the humble people's mouth up. Do You Hear the People Sing?

May God bless you all and the poor kid.

V for Victory of the people

On behalf of a growing group of citizens across Adelaide and beyond

Read those comments below this 7 news report (starting from 0:48 in regards to this threatened action for defamation )

作者: yybsn    时间: 8-2-2021 09:02
不知道是谁给那位候议员想出来法院起诉的办法,简直是…… 最深的敌人就藏在身边啊!
作者: smallgray001    时间: 8-2-2021 10:19

作者: 苍天饶过谁    时间: 8-2-2021 10:32
谢谢支持!已经转给Flinders的那位同学。他确实压力很大,因为Simon Hou 的律师要求周一下班前回复,周末很难找到legal assistance,而且律师是Greg Griffin
作者: 苍天饶过谁    时间: 8-2-2021 10:36
谢谢你们也跟他一起战斗!虽然我和学生也是素未谋面,但是我和我的朋友们准备好了对他进行无条件经济上和法律上的支持!不管对方律师是谁,我们准备好了战斗到底!Simon Hou 和他朋友 Gavin Guo, 以及 Jason Duan的行为绝对不能被容忍。他们是华人之耻!!
作者: 苍天饶过谁    时间: 8-2-2021 10:54
另外,您那边的 petition 最新进展,或者councillor 回复了也请告诉我们
作者: dnw123    时间: 8-2-2021 10:58
苍天饶过谁 发表于 8-2-2021 10:32
谢谢支持!已经转给Flinders的那位同学。他确实压力很大,因为Simon Hou 的律师要求周一下班前回复,周末很 ...

谢谢你们,请转告Flinders的那位同学,不要担心,Hou 方面的诉求完全没有法理基础,而且必须明确指出,他的律师移花接木,把我们的 petition 和 Flinders 那位同学的 petition 混为一谈,是完全不可以接受的,让他打回去重写(如果他还想杠到底的话),我想他今天只需要回这一句就够了

作者: 苍天饶过谁    时间: 8-2-2021 11:01
值得注意的是,flinder的学生给 city council 发邮件不到一个小时,Simon Hou 就发邮件给他律师了,六个小时后学生收到律师函。
鉴于Greg Graffin 'specialises in Liquor Licensing, Commercial/Property Advice, Corporate Law, Commercial Litigation and Sports Law', 也有可能他之前和 Simon Hou 有合作。
建议大家去 google review 上留言,要求Greg Griffin 不再代理 Simon Hou 的案子
作者: dnw123    时间: 8-2-2021 11:12
苍天饶过谁 发表于 8-2-2021 11:01
值得注意的是,flinder的学生给 city council 发邮件不到一个小时,Simon Hou 就发邮件给他律师了,六个小 ...

Greg Griffin 是 former Adelaide United chairman,曾经代理过若干体育明星的诽谤案,但恕我直言,对于公共政治领域的诽谤案,他完全是外行,相关的法理依据我上面的邮件已经说的很清楚了,政治人物和体育明星之类的诽谤案,完全不一样,那位同学完全没有必要担心。

作者: 苍天饶过谁    时间: 8-2-2021 11:25
dnw123 发表于 8-2-2021 11:12
Greg Griffin 是 former Adelaide United chairman,曾经代理过若干体育明星的诽谤案,但恕我直言,对于 ...

谢谢!希望这位学生没有因此次事件遭受任何经济或其他损失(如果有,也没关系,他有强大的后援团)。他是一个见义勇为的英雄,这种行为应该受到鼓励!有这样的人,我们Chinese community才能更好向前!而不是每次都因为wage theft这种问题被人诟病。既然大家决定移民澳洲,遵守尊重澳洲法律法规是必须的。
作者: yybsn    时间: 8-2-2021 11:30


作者: Liuxs123    时间: 8-2-2021 11:39

作者: 苍天饶过谁    时间: 8-2-2021 12:33
yybsn 发表于 8-2-2021 11:30
很多人在其他论坛建议这位同学现在筹款,包括鬼佬论坛和其他澳洲的中文论坛,如果他筹款的话相信会获得 ...

作为所谓的阿德莱德CBD 华商代表,难道不应该敦促 商家 按照 澳洲法律法规 付给员工合理工资吗?作为政治人物,如果连基本法律都不知道不了解,那么没有资格做 councilor. 而如果明知违法却不管不问,不作为的话那就是品行不好, 至少政治上品行不端!

作者: smallgray001    时间: 8-2-2021 12:40
苍天饶过谁 发表于 8-2-2021 10:32
谢谢支持!已经转给Flinders的那位同学。他确实压力很大,因为Simon Hou 的律师要求周一下班前回复,周末很 ...

您好,请问您认识那个同学吗?可以小窗私聊我一下吗?我们这边联系到了Tammy Franks,就是那个绿党女议员,她很愿意提供帮助。请你告诉同学看一下Reddit的私信的留言。谢谢。

作者: 苍天饶过谁    时间: 8-2-2021 12:49
smallgray001 发表于 8-2-2021 12:40
您好,请问您认识那个同学吗?可以小窗私聊我一下吗?我们这边联系到了Tammy Franks,就是那个绿党女议员 ...

我之前也联系过Tammy Frank,她人很好,她也是第一个电视上指出打人犯法的政治人物,而不是像候先生,一味的“两个都是我朋友,stupid, 不能和朋友切割”.
作者: smallgray001    时间: 8-2-2021 13:09
苍天饶过谁 发表于 8-2-2021 12:49
我之前也联系过Tammy Frank,她 ...


作者: Liuxs123    时间: 8-2-2021 13:12
smallgray001 发表于 8-2-2021 12:40
您好,请问您认识那个同学吗?可以小窗私聊我一下吗?我们这边联系到了Tammy Franks,就是那个绿党女议员 ...


作者: 苍天饶过谁    时间: 8-2-2021 13:30
Liuxs123 发表于 8-2-2021 13:12

所有介入这件事情的人,跟受害者没有一点关系,全部是素未谋面,但是良知告诉我们,需要公平公正!打人,wage theft, 在其位不谋其政,包庇黑恶势力的,必须受到惩罚!!
作者: Liuxs123    时间: 8-2-2021 13:43
苍天饶过谁 发表于 8-2-2021 13:30
就算白左,绿党,也不过是人身上的政治标签而已,介入是因为看不下去,因 ...


作者: 苍天饶过谁    时间: 8-2-2021 16:56
Liuxs123 发表于 8-2-2021 13:43
大哥会错意了,我对你们就是敬仰。现在唐人街支付非法工资的事情还很多,要把他们整垮才行,但是那么多事 ...

作者: Liuxs123    时间: 8-2-2021 19:31
苍天饶过谁 发表于 8-2-2021 16:56
但是如果你觉得那么多非法工资的事情没人管,那你放心,现在有人管了。 ...


作者: smallgray001    时间: 8-2-2021 21:27
苍天饶过谁 发表于 8-2-2021 11:25
谢谢!希望这位学生没有因此次事件遭受任何经济或其他损失(如果有,也没关系,他有强大的后援团)。他是一 ...

朋友,你可以站内私信我一下吗,我有很重要的事情麻烦你转告给学生,请你看到我的留言。他没有回复我的reddit 私信。不是女议员的事情,请你一定私信我。

作者: mayfive    时间: 8-2-2021 22:29
smallgray001 发表于 8-2-2021 21:27
朋友,你可以站内私信我一下吗,我有很重要的事情麻烦你转告给学生,请你看到我的留言。他没有回复我的re ...


作者: 苍天饶过谁    时间: 8-2-2021 22:44
smallgray001 发表于 8-2-2021 21:27
朋友,你可以站内私信我一下吗,我有很重要的事情麻烦你转告给学生,请你看到我的留言。他没有回复我的re ...


作者: smallgray001    时间: 8-2-2021 22:47
苍天饶过谁 发表于 8-2-2021 22:44

作者: Lucy9988    时间: 9-2-2021 05:31
作者: Lucy9988    时间: 9-2-2021 05:32
作者: MrsDanteng    时间: 9-2-2021 08:36
苍天饶过谁 发表于 8-2-2021 22:44

需要律师费什么的请同学开个go fund me之类的,身边大把朋友表示会毫不犹豫的捐款(包括我自己)
作者: 芝姬翼    时间: 9-2-2021 09:33
Lucy9988 发表于 9-2-2021 05:31


作者: smallgray001    时间: 9-2-2021 19:31
dnw123 发表于 8-2-2021 11:12
Greg Griffin 是 former Adelaide United chairman,曾经代理过若干体育明星的诽谤案,但恕我直言,对于 ...


作者: 冷雨中    时间: 17-2-2021 14:17

作者: xiaojiejie    时间: 21-2-2021 20:36
MrsDanteng 发表于 9-2-2021 08:36
需要律师费什么的请同学开个go fund me之类的,身边大把朋友表示会毫不犹豫的捐款(包括我自己)


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