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标题: 售Flinders大学护理专业大一以及大二的最新版教材 [打印本页]
作者: Heidi_1993 时间: 19-12-2017 11:54
标题: 售Flinders大学护理专业大一以及大二的最新版教材
售Flinders大学Nursing护理专业大一以及大二的教材。所有书皆于去年及今年购买于Flinders Uni里的书店,购买时全部为最新版+全新。我是唯一的使用者,书籍保存完好。Flinders护理课程全部是以编号排序,大一的7门课程为NURS1001-NURS1007, 大二的7门课为NURS2001-NURS2007。
NURS 1001 教材:
U2uni: Personal tools for success, 2nd edn, Pearson Australia, 2015.
NURS 1002/2002 实验课教材:
Fundamentals of Nursing: Clinical skills workbook, 2nd edn, Rebeiro et al. Mosby Elsevier, 2014.
NURS1002/1005/2002/2004/2005 通用教材(仅PDF电子版)(每门课+实习都会使用到):
Medical - Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking for Person - Centred Care, 2nd Australianedn, LeMone et al. Pearson, 2014.
NURS 1003 教材:
Psychology for Health Professionals, 2nd edn, Patricia Barkway, Elsevier, 2014.
NURS 1006 教材 (开卷考试,两书必备):
1) Ethics& Law for Australian Nurses, 2nd edn, Atkins, Lacey &Britton, Cambridge University Press, 2016
2) Health Care and Indigenous Australians: cultural safety in practice, 2ndedn, Taylor & Guerin, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
NURS 1007教材 (仅PDF电子版):
Mosby’s Pocket book of Mental Health, 2nd edn, Muir-Cochrane, Barkway &Nizette, Mosby Elsevier, 2014.
NURS 2002 教材2本:
1) Context of Nursing, 4th edn, Daly, Speedy & Jackson, Elsevier, 2015.
2) Numeracy in Nursing and Healthcare: calculations and practice, Australian edn, Shihab etal. Pearson, 2012.
NURS 2003教材/1005/2005 通用教材(仅PDF电子版):
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 4th edn,Porth, Wolters Kluwer, 2015.
NURS 2003 辅助字典 (上课实习皆可携带):
1) Australian Nurses’ Dictionary, 4th edn, King, Hawley & Weller, Elsevier,2009.
2) Australia New Zealand Nuring & Midwifery Drug Handbook, 6th edn, McKenna& Mirkov, Wolters Kluwer, 2012.
NURS 2005教材:
Numeracy in Nursing and Healthcare:calculations and practice, Australian edn, Shihab et al. Pearson, 2012.
请发短信至 0430864278 询问价格,可在city或Flinders大学内见面交易,谢谢!
作者: Heidi_1993 时间: 19-12-2017 22:06
作者: Heidi_1993 时间: 24-12-2017 18:15
作者: jojo19girl 时间: 24-12-2017 18:37
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作者: CarolSun 时间: 17-7-2018 12:01
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