本帖最后由 阿德莱德BBS 于 12-11-2015 10:26 AM 编辑
Advanced Auto Finess
Car rejuvenation (Car detail shop)
在把车交给dealer之前,人们会把车送到我们这里进行翻修外观,这样能卖个比较好的价格。 Befor car dealers sell their cars, they bring cars to our shop so that their cars can look better.
我和我的妻子经营这个生意很多年了,但我妻子去年得了肾结石,我决定陪她回韩国治疗。所以现在决定把生意卖了。 Me and my wife used to run this business, my wife has got kidney stone from last year and decided to go back to Korea to get treatment. It will take her a long time untill she gets completely healed so i decided to sell this business so i can stay with her in Korea.
2. 车外部清洗 3. 外壳上蜡 4. 抛光
年收入 $180,000~$200,000 (Form 2 and accounting documents available) 合同长度 ~23 Oct 2017 (it can be extended every 5 years.)
地址:Unit 6 11/33 Port Wakefield Rd, Gepps Cross, SA
联系方式:Jinju Im 0423 869 925
如果你是学生签证,想申请PR的话,这个生意可以让你申请自雇 。 This is a type of business that is possible to give a sponsorship to yourself and apply for a Permanent residency visa if you are on a Student Visa.