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    [生意投资&创业] 澳洲三年之845DIY之路---篇一845简介

    howtolinux 发表于 22-2-2012 21:00:06 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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    (Who is this visa for :Business people who have established a business in Australia while they are in Australia on a temporary visa other than a bridging visa or a criminal justice visa)
    What does this visa let me do?
    With this visa you can:
    work in your established business in Australia
    travel in and out of Australia any number of times as long as your visa is valid
    study in Australia
    have your family accompany you to Australia; they will have the same entitlements as you
    live and work in Australia on a permanent basis.)
    Main Applicant Eligibility
    Below are the requirements you must meet to be eligible for an Established Business in Australia visa. You must provide evidence of each of the requirements with your application.以下为申请XXXX签证的要求,在申请时你必须为每一项提供证据
    See: Information Form 1215i Independent Executives and permanent residence ( 76KB PDF file)
    Appropriate visa holder你需要有合适的签证You are the holder of a temporary resident visa你要有介个, which is not a special purpose visa (Border visa, Diplomatic visa, Domestic Worker visa, Transit visa, MaritimeCrew visa or Superyatcht Crew visa这些都是不行滴) and you do not hold a bridging visa介个也是不行.
    Business success成功的生意You have an overall successful business career.这个说的很笼统,就是说你要有成功的商业生涯。什么叫成功?你能正常运行你的生意,发得出人工养活那么多澳洲人,给政府交了这么多税,不是成功是啥?
    Time in Australia你在澳洲居留的时间You have been in Australia for at least 272 days (approximately nine months) in the 12 months before you apply.这个就不用说了
    Ownership interest你的投资、股权You have had and continue to have, an ownership interest and direct and continuous management, in up to two actively operating main business in Australia for at least 18 months immediately before you apply. You must own at least:
    • 51 per cent of the business where the turnover is less than AUD400 000 per annum 如果你的生意营业额少于40W一年,那你必须占有这个生意的51%
    • 30 per cent of the business where the turnover is AUD400 000 or more per annum 如果你的生意营业额大于或等于40W一年,那么你需要占有30%的股份
    • 10 per cent where the business is a publicly listed company. 这个我就不说了,你妹的你能占10%publicly listed 公司你还在这里跟我一样愁身份的话,自己去跳yarra river吧。
    A transitional provision is available if you have purchased a main business in Australia prior to 19 April 2010 and you are applying for this visa. Under these circumstances a minimum of 10 per cent ownership in a main business is required.如果你在2010年4月19号前就买了生意,那么你还适用于10%股份在生意的条款---这个是因为前面说的股份要求是10年4月商业移民政策更改,但是不影响之前已经购买了生意滴童鞋。
    Significant assets好了,这里是重点:资产Your (or your and your partner's) total assets in Australia for the 12 months prior to applying were greater than AUD250 000.你在申请前12个月之内要有25W的资产在澳洲—注意是澳洲,别在问我在中国的钱算不算了。
    Business assets在生意中的资产Your (or your and your partner's) total net assets in your main business (or two main businesses) in Australia for the 12 months prior to application were greater than AUD100 000.在申请前的12个月之内你需要在生意中拥有大于10W的资产。有人问10W恰恰好算不算,我是觉得不算的,但是也有个朋友就是10W也批了。反正赌的人不是我,决定权在你。
    Business involvement必须!!参与生意You have been actively involved in, and directly responsible for, the day to day management and overall performance of your main business (or two main businesses).简单说就是你要每天都参与管理你的生意。看这里这么多的介词就应该知道,移民局是多么多么滴care你是不是正儿八经的在打理你的生意。所以,不要把希望放在只投钱不干活的幻想中了,也不是不可以,只是你要找口才超好的专业律师帮你申请,要好好解释你确实是在管理中(虽然大家都知道你不是),反正么如何圆话是律师的专长。
    Acceptable business record经营状况良好You (or your partner) have never been involved in unacceptable business activities in Australia.这里就是说你老人家得奉公守法,良好的经营行为,偷蒙拐骗的不要
    Points test分数测试You must score at least 105 points in the established business in Australia points tests (the department will work out your points score from the information you give in your application). You can complete a preliminary assessment of your points score.这里就是分数测试了,基本每个签证都有,自己进去一个个对,符合的加分不符合也不扣分,够分就移民,不够分就找漏洞加点分
    See: Points Test
    Health requirement健康要求You must meet certain health requirements and may need to undergo a health examination. Please do not undertake a health check unless requested to do so.巴拉巴拉的一大堆要求,真是你妹的,简单的来说就是你要去移民局指定的地方做一个体检。注意的是这个体检跟学生签的体检不一样,是要验血的。
    See: Health Requirements for Visa Applicants
    Character requirement这个我觉得叫行为的要求比较合适All family members must be of good character to enter Australia.做个无犯罪记录认证去吧,不懂可以谷歌AFP
    Character and Penal Clearance Requirements
    Australian Values Statement价值观囧If you are aged 18 years or over, you are required to sign an Australian values statement. The statement is included in your visa application form and all applicants aged 18 years and over will need to sign it to confirm that they will respect the Australian way of life and obey Australian laws. Before signing this statement you are required to have read, or had explained to you, material made available by the government on life in Australia which is contained in the Life in Australia book.
    The Life in Australia book provides more information on the values that Australians share and their way of life.巴拉巴拉又是一堆官方的废话,自己慢慢看看吧,我也不觉得这个是重要部分
    Australian Values - Overview
    Life in Australia Book
    Application document checklist这个玩意就是一个表,你申请表格就有这个,里面要求的文档你都备齐了就去交表吧The checklist provides all the information and supporting documents that you may be asked to provide with your application.
    Application document checklist ( 54KB PDF file)
    Before lodging an application, please read all related requirements.
    好了到这里为止,上面的全部都是移民局官网的要求,写到这里我相信童鞋们一定会大喊,那三个full time的要求在那块?!!各位看官还记得分数测试那里不:
    Business attributes
    Throughout the 12 months immediately prior to applying your main business (or two main business):
    Employed at least three full-time (or equivalent) Australian permanent residents, Australian citizens or eligible New Zealand citizens (who are non-family members)
    • Had a minimum annual turnover of AUD$200 000
    • Had exports of at least AUD$100 000 a year 出口水太深,哥们我玩不起
    也就是说你申请的12个月期间,你要雇佣最少3full time(或者等价于)的澳洲永久居民,澳洲籍公民或者合格的新西兰公民。什么叫合格的新西兰公民这点我没研究过,应该就是正常的新西兰人吧。虽然这里没说这个是强制要求,但是这里在分数里面占了60分,少了这个你就别想移民了。3个等价于full time很多人很疑惑,这里我可以很负责任的告诉大家,你招的人里面,加起来等于3full time的时间就没问题了。

    BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

    免责声明: 本网站所提供的信息,只供参考之用。本网站不保证信息的准确性、有效性、及时性和完整性。本网站及其雇员一概毋须以任何方式就任何信息传递或传送的失误、不准确或错误,对用户或任何其他人士负任何直接或间接责任。在法律允许的范围内,本网站在此声明,不承担用户或任何人士就使用或未能使用本网站所提供的信息或任何链接所引致的任何直接、间接、附带、从属、特殊、惩罚性或惩戒性的损害赔偿。

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    Even 发表于 25-2-2012 11:55:06
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    JOE7707 发表于 25-2-2012 15:39:47
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    很好奇楼主,现在pr拿到了吗,从做生意到申请整个过程有多久? 您到啊村又有多久了??
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     楼主| howtolinux 发表于 25-2-2012 16:20:20
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