作者: pennymumu3 时间: 4-3-2013 09:39
o o o o o o o o 作者: yuqingchen1985 时间: 4-3-2013 09:44
If you only have very few pieces, you could just ask the reception to call a wagen taxi for you, it's usually cheaper than use the delivery作者: yuqingchen1985 时间: 4-3-2013 09:45
Also, $65 is for everything you get from the store, however it depends on how big is the thing. IKEA web has very detailed info.作者: best_nini 时间: 4-3-2013 21:25
当然是一次65,不管多少件吧我记得作者: whisper007 时间: 4-3-2013 21:26
用过,不过是6年前了,无论多少都一个价,我记得那时好像是40块吧。作者: yuen8yuen 时间: 5-3-2013 13:09