标题: a part-time job in saturday and sunday [打印本页] 作者: weikaiduo 时间: 22-10-2012 09:53 标题: a part-time job in saturday and sunday i'm kevin from china. i'm 22 years old, and arrived here about 2 months. i want to find a part-time job. due to i am a students. time is different, just have holiday in saturday and sunday. my home is eastern H31 19stop. through this job, i want to iprove my english skills. if you have any questions, please let me konw. Thank you!
email: [email protected] 作者: tanxiaojia 时间: 22-10-2012 14:40
其实你可以说中文的...你这英文打出来人家可能就犹豫要不要你了..作者: crystal_huang 时间: 22-10-2012 15:07
哈哈。。LS正解啊。。。作者: huopy001 时间: 22-10-2012 23:35