111111111111111作者: marialee 时间: 23-8-2011 15:12
鸡厂,猪肉厂,摘蘑菇。。。。作者: xijiangyue 时间: 23-8-2011 15:20
the above jobs are not available for student visa作者: jjjeeennnyyy 时间: 23-8-2011 15:31
老人院护工,厨房工``````````作者: 1254003 时间: 23-8-2011 15:47
只要脸皮厚 敢上 鬼佬那也一样做 太多人的低工资是因为过不了自己那一关 所以给多少都去做作者: yanshi 时间: 23-8-2011 20:14
dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd作者: MicMic 时间: 23-8-2011 20:48 回复 jeromexshi 的帖子
you can start from local job agent, they have many commision base jobs, you can improve your english quickly, my friend start working four days after come to ADL. good luck 作者: ash511 时间: 23-8-2011 21:12 回复 MicMic 的帖子
i sent u, check your mail, u can try to see how to go ...Good luck 作者: maple0126 时间: 23-8-2011 21:36
I am interested in it. Could you share your experience with me?? QQ:1754565929作者: 火狐allanzr 时间: 24-8-2011 01:00
,,,,,,作者: 金SE小璐 时间: 24-8-2011 01:41 回复 火狐allanzr 的帖子