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  • 【医疗】阿德莱德赛美牙科--每周开7天的中文牙医

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    发布时间: 30-9-2018 09:30


    ADD:1/257 Fullarton Rd, Parkside SA 5063 4/61 Darley Rd Paradise 5075 TEL:English (08) 82717971 中文 0448 308 5880404 631 601扫描二维码添加微信 赛美牙科竭诚为您解决牙病困扰 !


    jackw 发表于 28-1-2021 18:13:26
    小跳蛙 发表于 24-12-2020 00:58:46
    罗伯斯特 发表于 11-7-2020 07:38:42
    Janicechih 发表于 10-2-2020 20:31:00
    您好,你们那边有招牙医助理吗?我是flinders的大学生,今年28岁,我是学牙医专业的(澳洲的职业资格证正在考,也有国内的硕士学历,专业是牙体牙髓(endodontics), 目前刚到阿德,我有2年的学生签证,可以长期工作,如果方便的话可以过来面试,谢谢。
    浓郁的茶 发表于 11-1-2020 13:51:04
    I am a student studying in college. The wisdom teeth on the upper teeth were swollen and painless. Seeing this dental clinic online, many Chinese strongly recommend it, so I made an appointment to see a dentist. This clinic has a very good environment, treats people very seriously, and the dentist is great! I used to have a wisdom tooth in Shanghai, and although it was anesthetic, it was very painful during the extraction. But this experience of seeing a doctor in this clinic made me feel particularly comfortable, and there was no pain at all. I watched TV and the dentist removed my wisdom teeth. The experience was great! And they are all doctors who can speak Chinese!  医生都可以说中文哦!!交流无障碍!
    赛美牙科 发表于 12-10-2018 16:24:41
    OLDFOX01 发表于 21-9-2018 17:58

    你好, 不好意思,没能及时回答您的问题, 因为没有每天查看论坛,有具体问题需要咨询,请打中文预约电话0448308588 或者扫描上面二维码加微信直接咨询, 谢谢!
    OLDFOX01 发表于 21-9-2018 17:58:14
    Tangfeifei 发表于 11-9-2018 16:52:08
    1000字感情 max
    赛美牙科 发表于 1-9-2018 15:42:19
    赛美牙科 发表于 12-8-2018 18:06:08
    欢迎登陆我们的网站预约  http://www.arkabafamilydental.com.au/

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